Complex cleaning
The purpose of the services from “THOROUGHLY CLEANING” is extracting of the deeply-penetrated contaminations with the appropriate cleaning means, specialized machines and tools.It is done minimum 2-4 times a year for loose areas and 4-6 times for busy areas and it includes:

Cleaning and treatment of solid floorings - (marble, mosaic, terracotta, faience, facings, linoleum, parquet and etc.)
- Machine washing and sealing:
By using high-processing scrubbing machines and water-sucking machines, which extract the deeply-penetrated contaminations with the appropriate for the purpose cleaning supplies .The flooring gets perfectly clean surface and after that a polishing preparation is laid on it. The preparation represents a resistant to friction, protective and polishing the floorings film layer.
- Exquisitely grinding and cristallization:
It is done by diamond disks, by taking away a layer according to the depth of the cracks and pores, after that the initial gloss is restored by the means of the most contemporary technology – Crystallization.
Machine washing, rinsing and drying of soft floorings and textile upholsteris by the method of extraction
Injecting under high pressure of the cleaning solution and sucking in the same time .The using of suitable for the case preparations helps for the cleaning of the stiffest contaminations and stains . Applied, this technology leads to thoroughly washing of the floorings and upholsteris and restoring of the freshness of the colors .The air in the rooms gets pleasant scent.
Washing of windows and glass-cases
Cleaning of facades, advertisements, ornaments, and glasses on high elevation. With private alpine tools, preparations and machines, working with streams under high pressure.
The services are done by specialized cleaning machines, tools, preparations, products and vehicles – they are property of “Vasilka”- Agency of cleanliness EOOD and by staff on high professional level.
If you are interested in more specific information about our capabilities, in the above indicated services as well as in other abilities, we are ready, accordingly to your desires, to different variants on the volume and the nature of work.